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Synopsis of Motherless Brooklyn (2019) Full Movie

Watch Motherless Brooklyn (2019) : Full Movie Online Free Lionel Essrog, a private detective living with Tourette syndrome, ventures to solve the murder of his mentor and best friend a mystery that carries him from the gin-soaked jazz clubs of Harlem to the slums of Brooklyn to the gilded halls of New York's power brokers.

Title : Motherless Brooklyn

Release Date : 31-Oct-19

Genres : Crime, Mystery, Drama,

Product Company : Class 5 Films, MWM Studios, Warner Bros. Pictures

Product Countries : United States of America

Casts : Edward Norton, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Alec Baldwin, Bobby Cannavale, Willem Dafoe, Bruce Willis, Leslie Mann, Ethan Suplee, Josh Pais, Michael Kenneth Williams, Cherry Jones

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